Tuesday, September 9, 2008

This is not what it seems!

There is more to this picture than me passing on my compulsion for a clean house to my children.
Part of Florida living is dealing with the insects that find their way into your home.  I don't know that one ever made it into my home back west.  Some of you will be repulsed by this, (Kerry, Andrea, Gina) others of you will laugh (Les, Sharon, Jenni) as you know how this freaks me out.. What is it then Kaden is doing?  He's sucking up a cockroach with the vacuum.  The kids fight over who gets to suck the cockroaches up.  No, we must not squish them, they would "crunch".
Trust me, it doesn't matter if your house is spotless, they still find their way in.


Jenny Erazo said...

Ya right Jean! That is so funny. How can I teach my kids that trick?!

Rebecca said...

ACK!!! I hate roaches more than ANYTHING!

Once - we sucked up a frog in the vacuum at work...EWWWWW

Jenny Erazo said...

Your blog looks great! Good Work!!

Jean McKendrick said...

A FROG Rebecca, oh my gosh, it would plug my vacuum hose and then I'd really be freaked out. I don't do reptiles either.

Jean McKendrick said...

Thanks for all your help Jenny!

Nonna said...

Oh, my gosh,Jean, you didn't waste any time getting a beautiful blog built ! I love it !

As for reptiles, I love them and have no issues with them...anything with eight legs ( spiders etc. ) sends me running and screaming although I try to save them by putting them outside so they can keep eating all the roaches, which I can't stand either !

Timalee said...

I loved these pictures. Bugs are a part of Florida I guess.

Jenilee Sizemore said...

They are ten times worse in apartments especially when the people next door spray their apartment and all of them scurry to your home. Roaches are nasty but that's what husbands are for! Oh and in regards to moving back to FL, if it were only that easy I wouldve already done it. Can you tell Timalee and Lorilee that I would like to be able to see their blogs and keep in touch? How is Primary?

Jean McKendrick said...

Primary's good, we are getting ready for our program in a couple of weeks, always my favorite Sunday of the year. You guys have new callings yet?

Jean McKendrick said...

Oh yah, Timi, you are the one who saves all the creatures, big and small. I forgot about that. :)

Jean McKendrick said...

Thanks Lynn,
My sister is a big help, I am clueless!

Nonna said...

I am clueless too but I'm learning thanks to friends and family who know all the how-to's...And are very patient !

Jenni said...

I have moved from my vac to a kids bug vac. One of the best purchases I have made. It is supposed to be for kids fun and learning. No, no... catch the bugs. It has an extension on it so you don't have to get too close and you can get up high. Tyler likes to put black widows in it with other bugs and watch them fight. It has a magnifying glass in it so you can watch them in the holding tank all big like.

Jean McKendrick said...

That is so funny, a kids bug vacuum, you must take a picture for me! That makes me laugh Tyler likes to watch the Black widows take out the other bugs. I can so picture it! :)