For those of you non Floridians these little lizards are ALL OVER the place. I remember house hunting and being so freaked out because you just walk by the bushes and you hear them scurrying around, they cross your path as you go to walk out the door, they even wait for you on the mail box. It still kind of does freak me out when they get in the house but I have learned how to get them out. Well, since we have gotten the pool they love to sun themselves on the ladder (which we take out when the kids get out). I typically try and look at both sides, give it a little shake down before I put it back in the pool. Apparently I missed, little Lizzy, poor unfortunate soul, because the second the ladder hit the water I heard the flutter in the water. They are fast swimmers!!! A minute before these pictures were taken she was laying on her side with one front and one back leg sticking out of the water. Don't worry, I got her out with the net and freed her.
The Betta and The fish tank
5 months ago